Post by tanouryjr on Jul 19, 2009 20:15:44 GMT -5
Great point, Corner! I haven't visited that blog in over a year, until I was told yesterday that she attacked me. Honestly, I'm actually happy. Anyone she supports is actually the kiss of death. I hope she keeps attacking me. lol
Post by Clipper on Jul 19, 2009 20:30:41 GMT -5
You are probably right Corner. Larry, you don't need to become involved in adding credence to her blogging, by taking it to heart and answering her.
I blasted her a couple of times on her blog, but it never gets posted for the readers to see, haha.
Blogger clipper said...
Sue, you continue to make allegations such as the one that Larry T. Jr. has emailed you concerning "Arcuri's alleged political corruption", which seems to be the major theme of your blog for months at a time. I would have to wonder if Michael Arcuri has done half what you allege he has done. You show little actual proof, and many times have NO documentation to back your ranting about one person or another. Obviously a majority of the voters found him worthy to hold office. I guess they didn't believe what you posted during the election.
What is with the suggestion that Larry have a good lawyer because he is going to need one? Has anyone actually ever been put off by your threats of legal action? It pops up often in your blogging.
As far as Newell being a failure in the recall initiative, I don't blame him for backing away from anything that you put your name on. Your reputation for being a trouble maker and an unstable person is well known around the city and on the blogs.
If you want the recall initiative to succeed, you need to take the negativity out of your blogging, and focus on the issue at hand, rather than on self adoration and self importance. Who will you blame if it fails under YOUR watch?
I don't see the necessity to diss Bill Newell in your efforts to obtain the recall petition signatures. He DID take the original initiative, and would have helped in one way or another had you not hijacked the whole thing and started on your negative campaign to make him look bad while painting your own wagon rosey pink.
Is Roefaro not the object of the recall? What do we read about Roefaro? Not much. It seems that some people are too engrossed with blowing their own horn to state the facts as they relate to the recall issue.
7/19/09 9:17 PM
Don't be sucked into the fray Larry. She is an evil person, and can make your life miserable just trying to prove her statements to be inaccurate and false. She is a true nut case, and is not worth your time or effort. She makes an ass of herself every time she sits down to the keyboard, so don't feed any fuel to the fire, and give any creedence to her ranting like a goof.
Post by gearofzanzibar on Jul 19, 2009 20:48:01 GMT -5
On the bright side, perhaps this latest meltdown will be enough to finally marginalize her to the point of insignificance. Most of the local media realized she was a nutter a long time ago, but there have been a few holdouts up until now. The sad thing is that if she actually did have some standards she could be a real force for good.
Post by dgriffin on Jul 19, 2009 21:30:28 GMT -5
On the bright side, perhaps this latest meltdown will be enough to finally marginalize her to the point of insignificance. Most of the local media realized she was a nutter a long time ago, but there have been a few holdouts up until now. The sad thing is that if she actually did have some standards she could be a real force for good. Hmmm. Well, from what little I've read, she doesn't seem capable of much more than ignition.
Post by dgriffin on Jul 27, 2009 14:04:44 GMT -5
I hadn't read this till this morning.Newell ends campaign to recall Roefarouticaod.comUTICA — The city man who led a highly vocal campaign to recall city Mayor David Roefaro announced Saturday he had ended the effort and now wants to work alongside the administration. William Newell, 53, said he wants to sit down with Roefaro and talk about how “we can all work together.” “I hope that the mayor calls me in for a consultation,” Newell said. A Roefaro spokesman Saturday said the mayor welcomes a meeting with Newell, but none has been scheduled. “It’s an amicable end to certainly an interesting saga,” Angelo Roefaro said. In a written statement, the mayor said: “I am glad to see that Mr. Newell has the best interest of the city at heart. This has been my goal all along and I welcome any input that he or any other citizen wants to offer our administration.” www.uticaod.com/homepage/x1641096936/Newell-ends-camaign-to-recall-RoefaroSounds like playing nice, if that accomplishes anything. Guard Dog is still sputtering, however. Are you tempted to ask, "What was that all about?"
Post by Clipper on Jul 27, 2009 15:41:21 GMT -5
The whack job is still babbling away on her blog about poor Mr Newell.
I would have to guess that the recall is dead in the water, seeing has how I doubt that Sue Arcuri has enough support to get anything done. She will have an excuse though and will blame it on Bill Newell for one reason or another.
I don't blame Newell for bailing out. When Arcuri took over and forced her way into the fray, she had nothing more in mind than to make a name for herself and seemed to immediately lose sight of the recall and focus her energy on attempting to make an ass of Mr Newell. She had no reason to go off on a campaign of slander and defamation against a disabled person.
I am beginning to think that she may be in the pocket of the Mayor and that the whole scenario of attacking Newell may have been a well orchestrated plan to avoid the recall right from the start. How is that for a conspiracy theory, haha.
All I have seen concerning the mayor on Sue's blog is some babbling about the mayor's opposition to a gun law bill. Not exactly fuel to bring about a recall. I think she loves typing and then going back an reading it while patting herself on the back for her superior intelligence and great influence on community matters.
Post by dgriffin on Jul 27, 2009 21:42:54 GMT -5
Hmmm. That was always a titillating possibility, but I don't think Roefaro needed "that woman" on his side. The Recall Effort seemed doomed from the start. Mr. Newell, while undoubtedly a sincere and nice person, didn't appear up to the role of a rebel generalissimo. The constitutional question always loomed large in the background. I think most people were charmed by the idea, but not convinced it could happen. Also, I suspect that neither of the Recall Duo were totally honest with the public, and that's a stake in the heart right off for any would-be reformer. Newell's veteran status was never verified, for example, to my knowledge. And he could easily have provided some proof he had the 1,000 signatures he announced, but didn't. As for JunkYard Dog, she didn't have any credibility to begin with.
Post by Ralph on Jul 28, 2009 1:14:06 GMT -5
Nawwww...... She would never be in anyone's pocket! That would be like living your life with a razor at your throat forever. Support? ? She has less support than a cheap Dollar Store bra! ;D
Post by corner on Jul 28, 2009 6:26:50 GMT -5
does any one have a picture of this dingbat we all know what newell looks like?
Post by dgriffin on Jul 28, 2009 7:18:43 GMT -5
does any one have a picture of this dingbat we all know what newell looks like? I searched and couldn't find anything.
Post by Clipper on Jul 28, 2009 9:25:23 GMT -5
Post by corner on Jul 28, 2009 14:30:04 GMT -5
saw that one im still puking
Post by stoney on Jul 28, 2009 16:22:01 GMT -5
Damn it, I want to be attacked by her. I haven't been attacked since the UAD board was in existence, & I'm feeling neglected.
Hmmmm....not what can I do to be worthy of attack? Anybody got any suggestions?
Post by dgriffin on Jul 28, 2009 17:25:13 GMT -5
Just Be yourself.
Post by Clipper on Jul 28, 2009 17:56:03 GMT -5
Heck Stoney, I have been going on her own blog for a couple of years, and ridiculing, bitching, and disagreeing with about everything she says. I have insinuated that she is a nutcase and told her she needs to open her blog to comment, and she has yet to reply. I can't believe that she does all the bitching and whining that she does, and the slanderous crap she puts out, and she doesn't allow comment, and has not been sued.
Somewhere in the deepest, darkest, recesses of her warped mind, she has gotten the idea that she is important and that people take heed of her blogging and believe what she says. I read it daily instead of the comics in the Observer Disgrace, haha.