Post by Clipper on Jan 30, 2010 13:08:06 GMT -5
Thank goodness my "religion" believes that we are forgiven some of our past deeds. If not there would be christians jumping off of bridges out of pure desparation, knowing that their worst deeds would be used to judge them forever.
I keep my views on Karma confined to this forum, and only use it to pass out like candy passed out to children for good deeds or a milkbone to a puppy who didn't pee on the floor while I was away, haha.
So stand by folks. If ya pee on the floor, I will be going into the admin section and removing some of your Karma, haha.
Post by Ralph on Jan 31, 2010 1:26:47 GMT -5
LOL!!! You make up for things in other lives.....either for better or worse!
Or there is always the fall-back........."shit happens". ;D
Post by Swimmy on Jan 31, 2010 9:46:35 GMT -5
Actually, I'm firmly convinced that there is some component of reincarnation. When I was little (2-4), I used to have dreams that were from past lives. I had a lot of deja vu when I was younger. There was a picture of the American revolution in my 5th grade history book. I knew that picture before I read the chapter. I spent hours trying to figure out how I knew it so personally and so well. But I would recall that image from dreams I had several years prior.
Post by rodwilson on Jan 31, 2010 11:13:57 GMT -5
Crazy isn't it swimmy? I'm pretty convinced that I had previously lived or died in the 50's. Everything about it is just too comfortable and familiar and I don't feel that way about any other period. I mean EVERYTHING. The music, the art, the lit, the lifestyle, the whole darn thing. And I didn't spend much time "studying" the 50's, I was just drawn to it all as I was exposed to it. I thought it was the affinity that I hold for my grandfather but while there was some access to 50's related "things" but it was never to the extent to explain my attraction and I wasn't born until the end of the 60's. The weirdest part is that I feel that I have the same level of familiarity with the 50's as I do 70's and 80's which I actually lived through. Crazy huh?
Post by dgriffin on Jan 31, 2010 11:25:38 GMT -5
Swimmy, of course! I've only met you once, but I should have guessed that you are (were?) Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, the Marquis de La Fayette. It was surely to be expected mon Generale would come back to the scene of those happy days spent in the Mohawk Valley after your crucial role in our War for Independence. I guess you didn't get enough of us during your celebratory trip through America in the 1820's. Was there a reason why you chose to re-appear in the Utica area? Pas du tout la politique! En ce qui concerne l'Utica, peut vous aider Roefaro? Voudriez-vous ĂȘtre le chef de police? General LaFayette holds a copy of the New York Mills Civil Service Test for Chef de Police.
Post by Clipper on Jan 31, 2010 11:54:10 GMT -5
ROFLMAO Dave. Always the comedian. Gotta love it. I am surprised that you are able to keep your mind at rest long enough to get any sleep. Your wit is ever vigilant.
Don't ever change my friend, LOL
Post by Swimmy on Jan 31, 2010 12:01:20 GMT -5
That's the one I had such a connection to the first time I saw it. Rod, it is weird. I think at one point, I was murdered in a circus tent with a knife. Because I used to have a recurring dream about an orange and yellow striped circus tent, a man with knife, and floating from the ground, through the clothe, and into the air. Another recurring dream had men with red coats marching with guns. And it's a time period I was always fascinated with. Much like your attraction to the 50s, I have an affinity for revolutionary war era information. And Dave, it's Peuvez-vous. If I remember my conjugations or pouvoir correctly.
Post by dgriffin on Jan 31, 2010 17:48:16 GMT -5
Me? Mais non! OK, I'm out of high school French, and Google translate is temporarily off the air.