Post by snickers on Nov 11, 2008 22:29:49 GMT -5
Fine. Now Utica will have to dredge up their "finest" and "bravest" from the drug dealers, illegals, whores and high school dropouts that populate the city.
Good Luck!
Post by dgriffin on Nov 11, 2008 22:38:32 GMT -5
Come on...the Mohawk Valley is one area and needs to work together. I think if the entire area worked together instead of separately good things might happen. But sadly, based on the opinions I'm seeing here, I don't think we'll ever find out. Agree. But, you know, that's heresy to many politicians. They would rather have the separation so they can keep their little fiefdoms and play one locality off against another. It seems that when the politicians have more jurisdictions ... more villages, more towns, more police departments, etc., they get more jobs for more relatives.
Post by rrogers40 on Nov 11, 2008 23:33:10 GMT -5
Fine. Now Utica will have to dredge up their "finest" and "bravest" from the drug dealers, illegals, whores and high school dropouts that populate the city. Good Luck! And those that are trying to protect us from them will be forced to live among them. I feel sorry for those people- God forbid they ever try to go out of the house as all they will be doing is running into people they arrested. I wouldn't be surprised to see more off duty police officers carrying within the city than years past. How about protecting our officers Utica- or are you just going to forget about them and hope for the best?
Post by Clipper on Nov 12, 2008 9:56:33 GMT -5
Exactly Ryan. It is like making corrections officers live in the jail. You are damned right, in saying there will be more off duty officers carrying weapons. I would not leave the house without both a weapon and a vest if I were a Utica cop forced to live in the city by a silly assed law that jeopardizes my safety and that of my children.
How about the kids that can be abducted or harmed by those that daddy has arrested, while walking to school or playing on the playground.
How about the kid that gets the shit beat out of him in the restroom at school by the kid of a drug dealer that is bitter because his daddy is serving time.
The law unfairly jeopardizes the safety and well being of the children as well as the officers. I am sorry if Bobbbiez disagrees, or whether her grandchildren have suffered any adversity or not. The possibility is very real, and very dangerous.
On the other hand, maybe more off duty cops will be justified in shooting a drug dealer when threatened. I like nothing more than the vision of a drug dealer with a black hole just above the bridge of his nose, and his eyes glazed over, while they zip the bag.
Post by bobbbiez on Nov 12, 2008 12:44:31 GMT -5
Not for nothing you people have no idea what you're talking about or don't read the post others put on this forum. The residency requirement for Utica's Police Officers is NOT something new. It has always been there as far back as I can remember. This residency requirement Utican's voted in is "now" going to affect other city employees and rightfully so. Most all of our Officers already and have lived within the city limits since they were appointed, which they agreed to do if appointed. I can't believe y'all just focus on Utica's problems on this forum when I know "all" areas have changed drastically when it comes to drugs and crime. Look at what happen to poor Kim and her camper, (very sorry to hear about your loss Kim). Sh*t, y'all better wake up and smell the rotting roses in your own backyards and concentrate on them before you criticize other areas. Snickers, your insulting comments doesn't even deserve a response but let me assure you there are more good people living in Utica then the "scum." The good people in Utica are working very hard together with all Utica's departments and addressing our problems. We have seen just in the last year an positive improvement in Utica. I suggest you better start worrying when Utica pushes the "scum" out of the city as they're doing in N.Y. city that the "scum" doesn't relocate in your area. Believe, it is happening.
Post by rrogers40 on Nov 12, 2008 14:35:43 GMT -5
Not for nothing you people have no idea what you're talking about or don't read the post others put on this forum. Yep I don't look at all the other posts. Doesnt make it right. Besides the miracle of the Internet is that I can say what I want to say. Yea and we live in America what about the whole "Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness"? Can you please point out where it talks about having to live in Utica in that? How long will it take for other businesses to follow along with this? How long until Walmart says you need to live next store to the store- really it makes sense because if someone ever gets sick you can track down a replacement easier. Trust me you don't want the Government to tell you where you can live. Slippery Slope and all that. They agree to it because they have no other option. Basically what you are telling people is if you want to work than you need to agree to these terms and if you don't you wont work. Wow what a choice for hard working people who want to earn money. Well Kim sorry for you loss- of course I know about it because I read about it here on this board, OMG we do talk about other stuff than Utica. (Ok maybe that's a bit to sarcastic) Maybe we talk about Utica because that's where we all live? But if you don't feel free to post about something that occurred elsewhere. And when it does we will complain and push them out of those areas as well. Getting pushed around the country is a common theme for those type of folks.
Post by Clipper on Nov 12, 2008 14:50:48 GMT -5
Uhhhh, not for nothing bobbbiez, but what might we be expected to discuss under the category of "Utica and Local Area News?" the breeding habits of the North American house fly? LOL
Post by lilbump1980 on Nov 12, 2008 15:00:04 GMT -5
bobbbiez... I couldn't have said it better myself.. My family members have been cops for years.. they have all resided in Utica. same with family friends..the residency law is NOTHING new it just unfortunatley was never enforced... And Kids are not going to get BEAT up over things b/c their parent is a cop.. PLEASE PEOPLE..
Snickers: There are more people in UTica than just drug dealers.. THere are many FINE people who represent UTICA.. apparently you dont know any or you would not be saying that.. I am for the residancy law and I am glad it passed lets just hope it gets reinforced
Post by bobbbiez on Nov 12, 2008 15:36:25 GMT -5
LILBUMP1980, thank you for trying to help me "enlighten" people about the residency requirement in referrance to our police department. It seems some listen but don't hear. It gets tiring when one has to constantly repeat themselves. I appreciate your effort.
Post by bobbbiez on Nov 12, 2008 16:05:06 GMT -5
Clipper, I fully understand what the topic is but it gets mighty tiring always hearing the slams from people about Utica. I have no beef with anyone who gives constructive criticism but I'm positive there are good things to discuss about Utica and would like to hear some praises also. There is no way I'll not defend Utica when someone is making down right insults directed to those that live here. Just as any other area Utica has it's problems but it also has it's benefits and offers more good then bad. The bad Utica faces all areas face. At least we're not in denial and are working hard to correct the bad. By the way as far as you worrying about our Officers having to live by those they arrested. What makes you think all arrested in Utica live in or are just from Utica? Plenty aren't and many are from surrounding areas. Start reading the papers and when an arrest is made in Utica check where the arrestee is from. You will be surprised to see that many are outsiders. Now, where do you think our Officers should live if they are afraid of seeing someone who they have arrested? Maybe Canada would far enough away. ;D
Post by bobbbiez on Nov 12, 2008 16:25:04 GMT -5
"they agree to it because they have no other option." Sorry Ryan, they sure as hell do if they want to become a Police Officer. They can apply to N.Hartford, Whitesboro, Clinton or wherever to become one of their Officers, but I'll stake my life on the fact Utica offers much more in pay and benefits that they desire. Oh, I almost forgot they can apply to the State also to become a State Trooper but I'll guarantee they'll have to relocate where they're "ordered" to if they want that position. ;D
Post by Clipper on Nov 12, 2008 16:39:17 GMT -5
Nah, they don't need to reside outside the country. Constable would be far enough away. Then I could get THEM to buy my glazier dogs.
No not all the perpetrators arrested live in Utica, but it only takes one to hurt or kill a kid for the arrest of a relative or friend.
Like "my dad is in prison, and your dad put him there. Why should you have your dad at your game mine can't. How about if I kill your dad or just kick your ass."
Maybe it hasn't happened yet, but it will, if cops start living in the neighborhoods where they work. Their families don't deserve that exposure. Just be thankful that your grandkids haven't been messed with and are safe.
What I see here, is people who have kids or relatives that are cops are for the law and those that don't are the one's not in favor.
It is silly to even continue the discussion, because nobody is going to change their mind. The law passed. It is not going to change unless it comes up for referendum again and is voted down. I only hope that they clarify the mayors power to skirt the law, or there will be the typical political bullshit appointments made by big Dave. Just like Timmy baby hired Pylman.
Let's face it. Politics in Utica suck. It ain't going to change. I am focusing on the county changing, and then maybe the city will fall in line. I am in favor of regionalization of police protection. I think all the little piddly village forces and the township police should be folded into one department along with Utica, with an elected chief, like the sheriff's department. Either make it part of the sheriff's department or make it a metro area police force with cops hired from a county wide list. Residency to be within a certain driving distance of where you will work. Response time to work being the determining factor.
Post by bobbbiez on Nov 12, 2008 16:41:30 GMT -5
Ryan, allow me to get "a bit to sarcastic" also, (thank God and our Veterans for the freedom of speech ). You may read but do you comprehend? Think you ought to take a poll because not many using this forum live in Utica. ;D
Post by bobbbiez on Nov 12, 2008 17:06:49 GMT -5
Clipper, I agree and I to would like to see some consolidated but don't think the surrounding areas would ever consider it. Thank you for your concerns about my grandchildren but their fathers have been on the UPD both for over 20 yrs. now and no talk of retirement yet and both have lived in Utica all their lives and both are trained and qualified to take care of their own. Which both have done for over 20 yrs. I will repeat, nothing is going to change with this residency requirement concerning the UPD because Utica Officers already do and have lived in the city right along. Geez, you and those Glazier hot dogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hey, if you want them that bad Malone is only a 4 hour drive from here. Oops, I forgot you don't live in Utica any more.
Post by Clipper on Nov 12, 2008 19:04:02 GMT -5
Maybe again soon though. At least back in the area anyway. I sure miss it. I suppose I could run up and grab a bag of glazier hotdogs though. It would only be a SIXTEEN HOUR drive from here. Naahhhh! I don't think so. I will just have to nibble on ballparks until I can get back home and get Tobins, Hoffmans, and Glaziers. Oh yeah, and don't forget Hapanowicz's Belly busters, or the homemade one's from Pulaski Meat Market. Sheesh. I need to move back home.