Post by lioneljoe on Apr 3, 2011 11:02:40 GMT -5
Commentary on today's OD editorial: "We must all help promote our region" www.uticaod.com/opinions/editorials/x816839301/Our-view-We-must-all-help-promote-our-regionThis editorial is a perfect example of how the OD has lost is focus as source of unbiased news and facts. It is NOT the job of a newspaper to be a regional cheerleader, but rather to report the truth and facts, both good and bad. This editorial also clears up the mystery of the OD's biased policy toward protecting the town of New Hartford. I have personally witnessed at new Hartford Town Board meetings where residents have made public comments critical of town policies. However, the OD has failed to report these events even when the OD reporter covering the meeting acknowledged to me that they witnessed it. Another example is the failure of the OD to cover the town's ongoing lawsuit against the Concerned Citizens. The lawsuit had a hearing in court on March 27th. Did the OD report on it? No. The OD also failed to cover the March 23 Town Board meeting discussion on whether the Taxpayers or developer Larry Adler would pay an invoice for over $200,000 that he owes to the town. By its biased and selective reporting the OD is now an enabler for region’s problems. Until we face our problems with honesty , we will never solve them. Come on OD, report all the facts, good and bad.
Post by firstamendment on Apr 3, 2011 11:41:17 GMT -5
Gee, if the OD is to help promote the region then they need to stop printing bad news. And if that were to happen, the OD would cease to exist.
Donna and Jerome Donovan are up to their necks in NH politics so you know they aren't going to allow bad news to circulate. They couldn't even cover the story about their drunken underage son nearly killing someone with his car near Varick street before speeding off to his house in NH. Ever since John Dye left the OD it has fallen off a cliff.
Post by JGRobinson on Apr 3, 2011 15:13:37 GMT -5
Try to mention Dave Valesky's name in ref to the Young man whose pelvis was broken by his bully son and friends and see how quickly it disappears, gone, like it never even happened...
Post by firstamendment on Apr 3, 2011 16:42:48 GMT -5
Donna and her rag were all over the Matt Sullivan DWI case but remained virtually quiet on her son's.
I think it was a pretty disgusting showing when they decided to use the Public Eye column to try and hunt down the missing Donovan plaque from the bridge over the arterial. Instead of making a few phonecalls to the DOT or whoever, they decided to make a big splash of it in the paper. Last I knew, the Public Eye column came about for the public to address serious issues occuring in the public eye. Hunting down missing plaques to dedicate family members AIN'T one of them.
Post by JGRobinson on Apr 4, 2011 5:41:09 GMT -5
This is truly a newspaper in decline, sad...
Post by Swimmy on Apr 4, 2011 10:16:00 GMT -5
If it's such a cheerleader, then why does it waste no opportunity to lambast Utica, and cherry pick its lambasting of Tysinski?
Post by dgriffin on Apr 4, 2011 12:54:36 GMT -5
Promotion is it? That's interesting. Remember your high school newspaper and did you serve on it? No bad news, please. Someone might not like the real news. Your betters might complain. That's why each issue had to be dragged beneath a fine tooth comb before going to press. The reason for all of that careful correctness was because of the real purpose of the newspaper. It wasn't news, it was promotion.
If I owned a newspaper, I suppose I'd print in it what I wanted ini it, just like Rupert Murdoch. But if I had an ounce of honesty, I'd emblazon a motto underneath the flag that read, "Caveat Emptor."
Post by Clipper on Apr 4, 2011 14:09:04 GMT -5
Because the publisher is a pompous New Hartford socialite with penchant for managerial tyranny Swimmy. If she could write very article herself, instead of trying to read them all before they go to press, she would, but then again, she would not want to get ink on her hands or work past 5. I could tell you horror stories about really good people that were fired there, or left because they could not work under the circumstances and conditions there.
I worked for one of the best circulation directors in the business, and he was fired after a pissing contest with her one morning. No discussion, no attempt to reconcile the differences. Everybody that worked for him loved the guy and he did wonders for circulation. Just didn't hit it off with Queen Donna.
Post by Swimmy on Apr 4, 2011 15:12:46 GMT -5
And with the disgrace's policy of publishing mug shots of all DWI arrestees, minus dirty d's son, an outsider would think we're nothing but a bunch of drunk driving imbeciles who vote morons into power.
Post by Deleted on Apr 9, 2011 4:28:02 GMT -5
It is beyond me why a school & a stadium were named after he late senator. It's a joke.