I had never heard such a rant, aimed at some poor innocent shmuck in Dallas Texas. It is so disgusting and profane that it is actually funny as hell. Gotta think that this guy has to be proud to know that this is out here on the internet for all to see and laugh at, or just shake their heads in disbelief.
OMG...yup sounds like an Eastutican having a nervous breakdown. ;D I'm next Clipper. On the phone with Microsoft 3 days at 3hrs each. Today 10a to about a half hour ago. Wound up fixing nothing and had to reinstall my operating system. OK I have saved all my files to a back up hard drive and wound up with nothing that resembles my stuff on here so will still need to play with this thing and reload what is missing. (so what good is back up...this did not happen when I brought my PC to be fixed back in July. And the good news he's calling me back tomorrow to see how all is running. Good thing I at least ate breakfast. All this to fix a CD burner that refuses to burn. Damn IMAPI will not stay started. So his final words to me was has to be the CD Rom Drives because he just did a install.....why do I not believe him. Chris (a glutton for punishment)
Hey, I'm with the "Eastutican Having a nervous breakdown." I am so damn sick n tired of people walking all over me and not doing what they're paid to do. Since we've bought this new house I have been a basket case with so many people and companies screwing up on things we paid for and trying to get them to correct the problems. let me tell you, I am not a happy camper or do I talk to them nicely anymore. I classify my language now as a very mad truck driver and will continue to do so until they get sick of hearing my mouth and they take care of business. No more nice guy.
ps: And if anyone wants to tape me, be my guest. ;D
BZ...I was just kidding. The guy reminded me of some old timers I use to hear talking and they could very well have sounded like the tape. (My ex-F_I_L included, God bless his soul. He was a typical old timer Italian...I particularly remember a phone call to information one time..it was very funny)
Life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges, but eventually you find a hair stylist you like.
anger management is a joke. people who go there always end back up in court for the same anger issues that put them into those courses in the first place. It's an oxymoron.
[MpB:http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh1/RCQClipper/ne-centercopy.jpg]People shouldn't fear government; government should fear its people!
Actually, my experience with people I work with is that a number of men ... certainly not all ... experience a change in their lives and outlook when they get a chance to sit in an group and see how anger affects others. I am currently working with a guy who appears truly changed since he has learned to walk away from or defuse situations and to find more appropriate ways to work on relationships.
Chris, I learned a long time ago that it's a no-win situation when you argue with family. Just time wasted cause sooner or later you do make amends. Time is too short and we never know just how much time we have left with our loved ones so I learned to just ignore many things now. Just not worth it.
perhaps I paint with too broad a brush. I do only see the failures, not the successes.
Swimmy, there's always two sides. But I can understand how dealing with the system in your position you see mostly the bad. I've always thought I needed to find ways to see both sides. Politically, I'm pretty conservative, but I value my friends who are liberal, because I've learned a lot from them, even when we argue.
Whether I win my point or not isn't all that important to me ... as I suppose it would be in court. I come away for a discussion with either a strengthened opinion or a changed opinion. In either case, I've learned something.
And come to think of it, that's the purpose of a forum, to explore both sides of an issue. Too bad that isn't as easy to do in real life!