The completion to the cycle of death within the law of abortion logically leadt to Euthansia. out of ten of people support a law change to allow doctors to actively end the lives of terminally ill patients who want to die, a poll shows. is the artical:
The fact that death can be painful, long known to man. There were stories in some ways to solve this problem, such as «the dagger of mercy». But all these were cases of private, no new laws or the public will not buzz.
But the last 40-45 years, the debate on euthanasia is not terminated, the intensity of the discussion is growing, from the public, she moved to the area of political, there are countries and territories, which have laws that permit euthanasia. Recently a law approved by the Parliament of Luxembourg, there were similar attacks in the Netherlands, Belgium and in the U.S. state of Oregon.
What are the causes of this process? In order not to go deep in a difficult ideological dispute, try to only trace the main stages of formation and tolerance to euthanasia in a society. The first society in support of euthanasia occurred in 1934 in England and 1935 in the United States. The activities of these associations has been theoretical. Task was simple: the release of public consciousness of such Christian «bias», as the ban on murder and suicide. The next round of discussion has arisen in the 60-ies. in connection with the emergence and success of the first reanimatology. There were issues of professional practice: How long a person alive and continue reanimation? Supporters of euthanasia can not miss this good case: Why have you, doctors, human suffering? Give quietly die. This was a new word in medical ethics and deontology. It turned out that the struggle for the life of the patient and not so sacred duty doctor. The struggle for the liberation of pro-euthanasia of torment unendurable pain bogey «unbearable suffering», in which doctors condemn the patient for many years were the main arguments in debates and discussions.
An interesting detail: in the debate on euthanasia is almost always involved the priests of the world’s main faiths - Christianity and Islam. Everyone knows that the two faiths do not accept euthanasia, and such participation does not cause issues. But all is not so simple. Arguments cleric, by definition can not have at least some relevance to human unbeliever, for the atheist, or as they like to call themselves, know-nothing. Among the supporters of euthanasia is not faithful. Consequently, and a common theoretical framework does not exist. References to God for the agnostic can not have values, and for believing that the main arguments. Why are these meetings and debates not be terminated? The point is that the reasoning agnostics since the Montaigne is not only irreligious, but knowingly and voluntarily is a totally anti. Protection of faith and an attack on it - this is the real basis for settlement of believers and agnostics, and euthanasia - it is one of the many reasons for this never-ending battle.
Russia is still at the very beginning of the liberalization of society. The results of public opinion polls coincide with the results of many developed countries, 30-40-year-old. But 20% of respondents had already firmly believe that euthanasia is necessary. Many fear that the adoption of the law on euthanasia in our country is impossible, because we have very weak enforcement of laws and habits of a very good experience and corrupt violations. «Here in the civilized countries …» - a very common saying. Since the information from the pillars, and a beacon of liberalism, and civilization can be found, we can refer to it.
Netherlands, «Overview of the five-year experience»: 27% of the doctors conducting euthanasia on demand, 72% of Doctors usually falsified death certificate indicating the cause of natural death. The interval between treatment and the conduct of euthanasia in 13% of the cases was less than one day in 35% of cases - a week (according to the law - two months). In 22% of cases it was a one-time request (by law they should be four, two of them written). In 12% of cases the doctor or who did not discuss the treatment the patient (according to the law - with three doctors).
«Report of the Department of Health» Oregon: none of the patients who were provided medical assistance in committing suicide, there was no evidence of uncontrolled pain. Most of the patients who insisted on euthanasia, suffering from loneliness, misunderstanding the situation, totally dependent on others.
According to «The International Working Group on euthanasia» (, in all countries where euthanasia is available in one form or another, in 70% of cases initiated are the relatives of patients. Repeated polls have shown that most patients dying of incurable do not support euthanasia.
Ludwig Minelli, founder of the Swiss clinic Dignitas, where you can escape from life, demands that he was allowed to apply euthanasia of patients suffering from depression. At the request of the patient, of course.
«Euthanasia» translated «good death». The majority assumes that the person doing the shot and he dies painlessly in his sleep. In practice, not so. The man who can breathe only with the help of a special apparatus, painful to die from asphyxiation when the disconnect device. Terry Shiavo (Theresa Schindler), where euthanasia has been permitted in the United States a special court decision, died three weeks after it ceased to feed. Is this a good death?
Euthanasia - not a medical issue and not scientific, but ethical and - when it comes to religious people - the religious. Insistent promotion of euthanasia has an economic foundation. Maintenance of life of patients with severe indeed require more resources. And so - no man, no problem. But the main objective of promoting euthanasia - it is the institution assess «gravity» of human life. In fact, it is a matter of introducing the category «bad» or «impossible» life. But such an assessment will always remain subjective, and it may be subjected to any living.