Post by lioneljoe on Mar 3, 2009 17:57:44 GMT -5
Post by Clipper on Mar 3, 2009 19:23:37 GMT -5
Juat keep clicking on the "view more" and "next 10" at the bottom of the news articles, and you will find it about 30 0r 40 articles down the page.
Post by lioneljoe on Mar 3, 2009 19:31:01 GMT -5
I found the article but I don't see any comment section. Can you find it Clipper?
Post by Swimmy on Mar 3, 2009 19:48:48 GMT -5
It WAS there this morning. But the disgrace was disgraced by their biased reporting that neglected quite a few facts. Rather than save face and write a more accurate account, the disgrace, in usual disgraceful fashion, disabled the comment section altogether. Check out Liar Liar Pants on FireAs usual, the town is up to no good, but the paper sugar coats it. Imagine the way the story would have turned out if it involved Utica instead...
Post by strikeslip on Mar 3, 2009 19:53:47 GMT -5
They cut the comment section out . . . Probably didn't want to get any. (I had commented that an attorney who represents himself has a fool for a client . . . but maybe its different for accountants)
Post by Clipper on Mar 3, 2009 22:05:29 GMT -5
haha, another case of now ya see it, now ya don't! It disappeared since I read the original article earlier and looked for it for you. Typical OD comment tactics. They might as well not have a comment section at all. WTH.
Post by swampfox on Mar 13, 2009 20:33:52 GMT -5
I heard that Concerned Citizens For Honest & Open Government will be posting the "lost" O.D. Articles authored by Dan Miner and taken off. Thank God for technology which preserved the three authored articles (i.e. short tone, long one with comments and long one with comments deleted.)
Should make for interesting reading and that fact that the Observer Dispatch printed a very biased report regarding the town's relationship with Frank Basile who is related to Michael Arcuri. Also, Earle Reed runs with Mike Arcuri, Scott McNamara and Picente on Pleasant Street in Utica.
Concerned Citizens was informed that a correction story was to be printed about the Basile - Earle Reed procurement irregularities, however, none has appeared. It seems they are not a company whose word can be trusted. So much for Donna Donovan and her so-called truth and first amendment. She is truly not one who is to be trusted, especially on her written word.
Post by Swimmy on Mar 16, 2009 12:45:27 GMT -5
Welcome aboard, swampfox! I could have told you the disgrace is bs. Back in 2005, when the US Sup. Ct issued its decision in the OIN v Sherrill case, the od and uce supporters were quick to say that OIN's application to put the land into trust served only one purpose: "to effectively circumvent a U.S. Supreme Court ruling." I think only david townsend still thinks this way. But Elizabeth Cooper, the "reporter" who covers OIN news refused to acknowledge that the Supreme Court told OIN to follow that route. I quoted the paragraph from the decision multiple times. It was not until I insulted her lack of intelligence that she finally stopped asserting the falsehood. She promised a corrective piece, but none ever appeared. And uce members claim the disgrace is biased towards OIN... fools!
Post by swampfox on Mar 16, 2009 19:30:21 GMT -5
Did not Claudia Tenney write numerous comments about the OIN and called it's leader a racial name in her narrative. I believe she took some pot shots at others who challenged her as to her legal brief which left a lot to be desire...if you know what I mean.
Not sure what calling people names but it is rumored that she was Townsend's "right-hand" girl. Not sure if Claudia is doing Townsend's bidding or Townsend's doing Claudia's bidding.
The verdict is out on this one.