Post by Swimmy on Aug 21, 2008 6:30:21 GMT -5
Editorial: Courthouse work needs close reviewAT ISSUE: Oneida County legislators have obligation to protect taxpayersMy login no longer works at the disgrace. I must be doing something right and pissing people off. Anywhooo, I couldn't help but laugh at this article. Not only is it totally politically motivated, but it again demonstrates the disgrace's inability to comprehend the real issues plaguing the area! I boldfaced the "at issue" quote because that it the funniest part of the entire article, which I have not read in its entirety yet. It is funny because I was wondering where this article was when the county legislators rubber stamped EDGE's contract without evaluating its usefulness or trying to hold it more accountable to its failures. I guess that monitoring spending a couple million on courthouse renovations is more important than guaranteeing that $400,000 is a worthwhile investment that yields super large returns, like an AMD plant or something else EDGE promised but miserably failed to deliver. So what if the area is economically depressed and has been since the close of Griffiss Air Force Base. There has been NO evidence of wrongdoing with the courthouse renovations. But there is ample evidence surrounding EDGE's misdeeds. And according to the paper, the legislators should be reviewing the courthouse renovations and ignore EDGE's MULTIPLE failures. Looks like the crackpots at the disgrace nailed another issue on the head again. Wish I knew what they smoke. Maybe then their irrational and uneducated rants will make sense to me.